Today at KellysKorner we are doing Show Us Your Life-Wedding Showers. My friends threw me a shower and it turned out beautiful. I remember it was in April and we had a random cold day where it called for snow possibly. Crazy….Texas weather for you:) I got some wonderful presents and had such a good time.My sister and me.
My mom after playing the make your own wedding veil game:) Ravishing!

Later, Charlie's aunts threw me a bridal luncheon. It was at Blue Mesa and was quite lovely. I had a great time with all my close family and friends. They got me a really pretty monogram set of towels with my new last name.

My mom and me at Blue Mesa
I have thrown several showers over the last couple of years. One that I did was called a seasonal shower. It was around the holidays, so she registered for Thanksgiving/Fall and Christmas decorations. She got some really pretty stuff. It was a fun idea and fun to see some different types of gifts. I loved having people at my house around that time of year since it was all decorated:)
I love the idea of the seasonal shower!
how hilarious does your mom look. too cute :-) and i love the idea of the seasonal shower!!
and i love the new look of your blog.
I love the seasonal shower idea! A friend did something similiar. they got married Dec 29the and for one of her showers everyone had to bring a Christmas ornament! so cute!
Love the veil!
Cute idea with the apron and items.
Looks like fun!
Your showers look like a wonderful time!
The seasonal idea is very creative! I'm obsessed with holiday decorating, so I love it too!
The seasonal shower is such a cute idea!