Happy Birthday Charlie! Today is my sweet husbands birthday! He is 28 on the 28th:) I for one think birthdays should be really special. It is your one day that is all yours unlike a holiday or anniversary. So I plan to make it special tonight once I get home. I asked Charlie if he wanted me to make him a special dinner and he said nothing jumped out at him?? I knowing my husband then asked him if he would like Burger King. We never go because the burgers make me sick. So for this special occasion I can handle some chicken from there and get him whatever he wants:) Honey, that is how much I love you! lol Anyway he asked for gift cards to Lowes so that he can do whatever he wants with the yard and any tools he needs. Turned out good for him. He should have a pretty good time there the next time he goes!
On Sunday we had lunch with my parents at Christina's. Yummy mexican food:) Then we wandered into Best Buy and he got 2 xbox games with a gift card he had. Savi managed to squeeze in a dvd from her daddy too:) Then we went to Target because I had a gift card and just bought random stuff. I found a butterfly bank that is perfect for Savi's room in the dollar bin! I have been looking for one so I was thrilled! Got a baby pool for the summer and some other odds and ends. Later we went over to Charlie's parents for fried chicken and homemade chocolate cake. Great day with family! Happy Birthday Sweetie!
-mention the person that tagged you
-complete the following lists of 8's
-tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends
-go tell them you tagged them!!
So I read an article a couple days ago about how to save money and one of them was to call your service providers for cable/internet etc. and start a bidding war. So I looked online and did all the research to see what dish network would cost me (my company's only competition) and made sure I had all the comparisons. I called my provider for cable/internet and told them I was thinking about canceling my service because dish was a lot cheaper. Suddenlink lowered my bill by $20 and sent me 4 $20 coupons in the mail to also take off my bill each month. She said there weren't any great specials at this moment but they come and go and I should call back after my coupons were done and see if we could get it lowered for good without having to use the coupons. Pretty cool I thought!
So I can't say that I consider myself SUPER eco friendly. I guess we kinda try. Charlie is a big advocate for keeping the lights off and I am big on no AC/heat if not needed. We selfishly do it to keep our bills down but it helps earth to right? At work I recycle:) In our neighborhood they have not gotten on the band wagon of recycle bins. It would be nice if they did though! Maybe someday. On a different note....Who is the best stay at home dad??? You guessed it...CHARLIE! He is doing so good with Savannah and I just love to hear about there day. I can only imagine when she gets bigger there adventures they will have during the day when mommy goes to work. I am sure there will be a lot of conversations that start out with "now don't tell mommy"..... lol Gotta love it!
This weekend was a pretty nice weekend. Friday after work I went and got a haircut (a long over due haircut). I saw some pictures we took recently and was very blah about my hair. So for the first time in prob 10 or more years I got bangs! It turned out pretty good. I am still getting used to it. I have really thick hair so we also added some layers and texture to help. Charlie said he liked it alot:) Good man! On Saturday we hung out as a family in the morning and later I met Kristin for a movie. We saw Sunshine Cleaning. It was interesting but pretty good I guess. After I got home we took Savi to the park for the first time! It was a pretty day and I think she enjoyed it.
Sunday Savi and mommy relaxed. She took a 2 hour nap!! That is amazing for her. Savi likes to take 3-4 short naps instead of 2 longs ones. On the upside she slept thru the night at 2-3 months because she was always so tired from her short cat naps all day. I don't know what made her sleep so long today but I took a 2 hour nap this morning too. AMAZING:) Charlie is kinda sick and still working on feeling better. Hopefully he will get there soon. Hope you had a good weekend!
We have been wanting to paint our master bath and bedroom but you know how that goes when you have no time and a baby. Well we got an itch this week to paint the bathroom and we itched it! We picked out a color for both rooms but figured we would do one thing at a time. It really makes the room look nice and more elegant. I bought a couple things for the walls and ta da new and improved bathroom.
We had a great weekend. Friday night Marissa, Paige, and mom and dad came over for dinner. Charlie made spaghetti (I had a burger, I hate spaghetti) and we broke in the dining room table. Later we played this game Charlie had gotten for Christmas called "Would You Rather?" It was hilarious and a great game. I def recommend it!

I am excited to say that the UNC Tarheels won the NCAA Championship. I was born a fan thanks to my dad. He grew up in Winston Salem and went to UNC. They pretty much dominated the game and did really well. When it gets warmer Savi has this cute little UNC dress to wear. I will be excited to try it out and officially make her a UNC fan just like her grandpa:)
Charlie and I had a great time on our little trip to Tyler. Savannah did very well. Taking her out of her comfort zone is hard and she did great! We drove down Thursday night so Charlie could make it to the bachelor party. Friday was the rehearsal and then Saturday was the wedding. Savannah did great during the ceremony. She just played in my lap with the program and then I sat her in the grass next to me and she would grabs scoops of grass and watch it blow away. She was totally entertained and didn't make a peep (except for a sneeze:) )We drove home Saturday night. Great to spend time with all of the family and see the beautiful wedding of J'Vonne and Lee. Here are some pics from the weekend.
Savannah playing with her tea party in the hotel.
Happy Savi!
Daddy loves her!
I love him!