Mornings with Daddy

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello everyone! Charlie guest posting here. Just thought I'd add a couple pics of our precious baby girl getting her milk before her morning nap. We're attempting to switch her milk from a bottle to a cup, but that has proven a difficult task. She drinks everything else from a cup with a straw, just not the milk. It'll happen, we're not trying to push her. It'll come when she is ready :)

I took these yesterday morning, and I love how her hair is all crazy! I love messy bed heads! So cute!

One tell-tale sign that Savi is ready for her nap is when she starts pulling her socks off. When she lies down and yanks her socks off her feet, it's a pretty clear indication nap time or bed time isn't far off. Luckily I happened to catch her in the act!

P.S. Brit is doing very well with the pregnancy. One strange thing is that the chicken tenders and chicken meals she normally loves are absolutely banished from her meal choices at the moment. Strange. She doesn't seem to have the same resistance to chocolate though!

One more week of morning sickness, hopefully. Nothing is worse than being a husband and not being able to comfort your wife when she feels this way. Can't hug, cuddle, or do anything generally, because the closeness makes her feel more sick.

What I can do is get whatever she needs. It's hard, and I have to fight off the urge to physically console her. I just have to trust that my ability to take care of her while she isn't feeling well rests in acts of kindness and service alone.

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  1. Mrs. M // February 19, 2010 at 3:58 PM  

    Love the bed head! My son takes his socks off too...but I never thought about it maybe tying into being tired. I'll have to pay more attention! Have a great weekend!!

  2. Heather // February 19, 2010 at 9:02 PM  

    Love that picture of Savi in the bed, she is a doll. Hope you get to feeling Brit and those chicken tenders can enter your diet soon!
