She is at it again. She has played with my make up before, but now she knows what it is and wants me to open all of my powders and blush so she can dip the brush in it and put on her face:) Daddy is going to have his hands full!
Baby Charlie had his 4 month check up this week. He weighed 14lbs and was 26in. 50% for weight and 90% for height. Everything else checked out great. We talked to the doctor about reflux and she gave us a prescription. Right now he only sleeps 2-3 hours at a time at night. He really should be doing more like 4-6 and I totally think he could, but his reflux bothers him and wakes him up. So lets pray this medicine does the trick. He got 4 shots and handled it SO amazing! He cried when they went in and then took his paci and stopped. Savannah never did that. She cried forever after and the best quick way to console was to feed her right after. I think baby C is going to by my laid back chill child and Savannah will be a bit more to handle:) Little boys can be terrors I've heard, but i think he will just be my sweet little mommy's boy!
I was brave this past Sunday and took BOTH kids to the grocery store. I was hesitant to do this for several reasons. 1.Let's face it, kids don't always mind when at public places. And grocery stores are kinda boring. 2. By the time I put Savi up front and the car seat in the basket, there is no room for groceries!! What the heck? So I decided I needed to use those cute car basket carts. BUT what if they were all in use when I got there...then what? Well I decided Sunday morning would be kinda slow, so the basket situation should be under control. I usually wait till Charlie gets home to go, but that means me going at like 8pm at night. I hate it, but moms gotta do what moms gotta do. I felt like getting it done early Sunday, and so we were off. It was the baby's nap time so he slept like a champ! And my angel girl LOVED the car she got to be in and was perfect. SUCCESS...I'd say so! Everytime I'd stop the cart to get food and then get going, she would yell "here we go!" HA Let's knock on wood that I can do this every weekend!
Last Sunday we got SNOW! It was so nice to get it at least once this year. That is all us texans can handle anyway. Otherwise we shut down schools and stuff for just a couple of inches. People in the north laugh at us:) I was home alone that day as Charlie had gone into work that morning before the snow hit. So it was a bit tricky to let Savannah out to play in the snow with the baby and all. But we managed to play a little. She loved it, and hated me when I made her come in! My little girl:)
The friend I threw the "Ships Ahoy" themed shower for had her baby right after Christmas. December 28th to be exact! Joey is his name, and cute is his game:) Makes baby C look huge:(
She had a c-section and everyone is doing great! Meeting Joey for the first time!
A couple weeks ago (Yes I know I'm behind) Charlie let me have the night away for a girls night. We went to dinner and then some of us spent the night at a Marriott in town. We had a great time catching up at dinner! Once we got back to the hotel, we watched Sex in the City and I promptly fell asleep. What can I say, I hit the bed and I'm out! I hope we can do it again soon girls!
Not quite ready:)
Little Charlie sat up all by himself a couple weeks ago. Only for a 30 seconds or so, but he is getting better and better at it for longer.